• 021-27457
  • Iran, Tehran, Pasdaran, Fourth Neystan St, Building No. 7, Unit 2

What are the disadvantages of landfills compared to non-landfills?

In landfills, access to equipment and units may be more difficult than in non-landfills due to the surface area covered. On the other hand, due to the possibility of producing toxic and dangerous gases in the treatment plant environment, appropriate measures should be taken to ventilate the gases.

What are the advantages of landfills over non-landfills?

In some cases, the proximity of the treatment plant to the residence may cause an unpleasant appearance. In this case, by covering the surface of the treatment plant or using burial materials (such as concrete, polyethylene), the treatment plant can be run as a landfill. In some cases, the landfill can be used as a useful space and therefore the space occupied by landfills can be less than non-landfills. In some cases, the proximity of the landfill to the residence may cause the appearance Be unpleasant. In this case, by covering the surface of the treatment plant or using burial materials (such as concrete, polyethylene), the treatment plant can be run as a landfill. In some cases, the landfill can be used as a useful space, and therefore the space occupied by landfills can be less than non-landfills.

What factors depend on the choice of materials for the construction of water and wastewater treatment plants?

The choice of material for water and wastewater treatment plants depends on the treatment capacity, access space, environmental conditions, depth of groundwater, quality of incoming water and so on.

What equipment is needed to treat and bring kitchen and restaurant effluents to environmental standards?

Kitchen and restaurant effluents generally have a high volume of fat, oil and solids, so it is necessary to use a proper degreasing and granulation system in all restaurants. On the other hand, due to the high pollution of kitchen and restaurant effluents, a complementary process should be considered to reduce the pollution load.

What is the difference between gray water and sanitary effluent?

The difference between gray water is generally toilet and bath effluent without mixing with toilet and toilet effluent. If this effluent is mixed with toilet effluent, it is called hygienic (human) effluent. Gray water is much less polluted than sanitary effluent and with a suitable pre-treatment system can be used to irrigate green space. What is gray with sanitary effluent?

Can gray water be used in flash tanks?

Gray water, if purified, can be used as inlet water for flash tanks, but it should be noted that this water still contains pollution and if it stays in the flash tanks for a long time, it may cause odor. It is recommended to use a suitable disinfection system for this purpose.

Is the use of anaerobic (septic) systems alone capable of bringing human wastewater within the range of green space standards?

Septics and anaerobic systems, due to their low efficiency, in most cases can not bring human waste to the range of green space standards and require more advanced systems to complete the treatment process.